Keynotes that Lead to Higher ROI
Helping marketers understand how to use data to improve overall performance and maximize investment.
Have Mary Cate Energize Your Next Event!
As a seasoned digital marketer, Mary Cate knows what it takes to make sure your marketing investment is performing and delivering ROI.
Her insights have been featured in Newsweek, ABC News, HubSpot, and the Agents of Change Podcast. She has worked with organizations like SmartBug Media, The Arbor Company, FourSight, Arrow Senior Living, and HubSpot.
Why? Because she has figured out the process of treating marketing as more of a science than an art. Mary Cate shares a seven step process that can be implemented right now to lower your cost per acquisition, increase qualified leads, and increase marketing ROI.
Explore Speaking Topics
Workshop: Making the Spaghetti Stick: Setting the Foundation for Strategic Digital Marketing Decisions
No one likes to waste money – especially in business. On average, marketers admit to wasting 26% of the budget given to them on ineffective channels. Instead of just throwing spaghetti at the wall, it is important to understand what factors can lead you to help make the spaghetti stick when it comes to your marketing. In this workshop, Mary Cate will walk participants through the three foundation setting steps in her process for improving overall digital marketing performance and maximizing investment.
By the end of this workshop, you will walk away with:
- An understanding of buyer personas, why they are important, and how to create them - including a buyer persona and profile template.
- A process for reviewing competitors digital marketing strategy and the tools for how to use this information to create your own digital marketing strategy
- A benchmark and goal setting worksheet and an in-depth overview of how to pull critical key-performance indicators and what they mean for your business
- The information needed to pull these three key components together to set goals and next steps to improve your overall marketing performance.
The Road to Marketing ROI: Conducting the Proper Research
Marketing strategy is like building a house. All good houses start with a solid foundation. The easiest way to make sure your digital-marketing foundation is solid is through research.
To get a full understanding of who you are marketing to, how they make decisions, and what else is out there, it is important to deep dive into both your potential customers and your competitors.
In this session, you will learn where to start when it comes to customer and competitive research.
You will learn three ways to conduct customer research, the process of creating buyer profiles and buyer personas, and who should be conducting this research for your organization. You will also learn about the buyer’s journey and how that fits into your buyer personas and content marketing strategies. Mary Cate will also give you a buyer research template to take home so you can get started creating your own buyer profiles and personas.
Knowing your buyers and how they make decisions is priority number one in a solid marketing strategy, but a close second is knowing your competition. It is important for you to (1) know who your key competitors truly are, and (2) know what your potential customers are experiencing when they interact with those competitors. For your competitors, Mary Cate will walk you through her own competitor report card and how to grade yourself and your competition in key areas.
Once you have done the research, you can confidently and strategically move on to the fun stuff: building a strategy and goals. All of this information will help you decide where you should focus your energy.
This session will lean toward research around digital marketing, but these principles are flexible to use in any aspect of your marketing-strategy research.
- You will leave with an understanding of buyer personas, profiles, and how to start creating your own - including a free template to do so.
- You will know how to use a competitor research report card to determine how your marketing compares to your competitors
- You will know how to use this research to set your marketing strategy up for success.
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